I agree with my brother

It’s one thing to have to wait for your food for a long time, but when everybody finally gets served, and you’re still waiting… and your sister doesn’t help the situation… well, it’s all a growing boy can do.

Posted March 2, 2013, under:

CS193P – “Coding together”

Stanford is currently offering in iTunes U their Winter 2013 iPhone Application Development class. The course is currently five or six lectures in, but since folks not enrolled at Stanford can only audit the class, I think anyone can just jump right in.

And get lost.

The instructor runs through a list of prerequisites that included three classes offered at the university: CS106, CS107 and CS108. iTunes U may have notes from the classes, but not all the videos. The first two classes, however, have archived lectures on YouTube, however they may not be in synch with the video content. The class site mentioned in the CS1o6 course is synched with the current semester.

The CS193P class dives right into Objective C and makes all kinds of assumptions on the students, like they are familiar with programming and are already confortable coding programs.

CS106 Programming Methodology


CS107 Programming Paradigms


CS193P iPhone Application Development

Video on iTunes U

Posted February 7, 2013, under:

Tuesday is the new Monday

… and February is the new January. And what I mean by that is that if I told you last week that I would be doing something next week, then I meant I’d get to it by Tuesday. Oh, I’d be thinking about it all Monday long, so even if when I finally get around to doing it on Tuesday, I’d have already put a lot of thought into whatever it is I was doing.

So this past January I’ve been giving a lot of thought about what needs to be done this year. And February is still as early in the year as Tuesday is in the week. And even if half the thinking process went into deciding what would be sloughed off to March, at least that decision was made.

Week of Feb. 4-8 tasks

  • Condense fall semester work on ECFinder App for https://elcentroapp.wordpress.com
  • Work on main icon reconstruction for the app
  • Fix the ul/li CSS for this site

I’ll be sure to get all this started on Tuesday.


Posted February 4, 2013, under:

A programmer, again

app_LaunchImage_320x480It was in the summer of 1983 that I landed my first job. I was 14, and just out of junior high. The last vacation before high school, which seemed very uncertain because for the most part I didn’t do a lot of school work for most of the 8th grade. But my freshman year was still a full three months away, and my first paycheck was awaiting at the end of my two-month contract with the school district, which would be delivered when the task two classmates and I were hired to do.

We had to develop a database.

_Now _I know what to call what we put together that summer. Back then, the school district barely had a few computer terminals and a printer bigger than my mother’s car. My second job, a couple of years later, also involved writing and maintaining a database. In college I took a different turn and changed careers and never coded anything for pay. Not in BASIC nor Pascal nor any other language beyond those two.

Not until the need to do basic programming creeped up while developing web sites. Which is why I enrolled at the local community college to get some formal training on tasks I’ve long been doing and learn new skills I had skipped on for the past 20 years.

So now I’ve gone mostly full circle.

I start a new job this coming Friday. Not a full-time job, mind you. Maybe it’s not even a job. I will sign a contract for two months with El Centro College in sunny downtown Dallas, Texas, to work on an iPhone app for the college.

I’ll skip the part where I tell you what it is and what it does because I’m not sure how much I can reveal at this time (like anyone is reading).

The app is actually already built — most of it, anyway. It was built by the five students in the fall class and presented to the college as part of an assignment. They liked it and would like to see it finished. So here we are, two of the original five, to finish the product and push it to the Apple app store.

Very exciting.

Now there’s no excuse to not learn objective C, among other things.

Very exciting.

Posted January 23, 2013, under:

The time machine

I have the habit of not changing the station, or the tape, or the CD, or the playlist that I listen to and I end up listening to the same album for months on end. Whether it be auto search, or song skip or whatever, I burn a song in my head until I get sick of it. As of late, I find that if I come across any of these songs, I’ll “feel” the time it was burned in my chemistry. It’s not always good. But it’s always interesting.

1982-83 Tuning the radio away from my parents’ stations


1984 Summer-school biology, with the Oz 


1986 Wasting time in high school


1987 Walking the cold sidewalks to chemistry class


1988 Driving the old Monarch, the last year it worked


1992 So, so lost in my first apartment in Lubbock


1995 In the fishbowl at The Victoria Advocate


1996 Commuting after midnight at The Fort Worth Star-Telegram


1997 Saturday mornings in the second-smallest apartment in Arlington


1999 Between here and Houston, then on the way back


1999-2000 Working at Donruss


2003 Riding the TRE, talking to my girlfriend (my wife) on the phone


2013 At the time I’m writing this post


Posted January 15, 2013, under: